Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Trinity Network Diagram

This is a screen shot of my Trinity Network Diagram.  I used the notes that I took in class as well as the example network diagrams for reference.  Mine does not look as complicated as some of the examples, but I formatted it a little differently and did not include the Cobb-Racy building in the diagram (since the building was recently torn down).  I enjoyed the tour that I took with my class last week to Trinity's server room in Halsell.  I had never seen a server room before, and I was overwhelmed with the sheer number of Ethernet cables running everywhere - especially when Jared Pack, the Systems Administrator, said that those were only about half the ones used for just the Halsell building.  It really makes you think twice about where your Internet is coming from, and how many different places it has to go in order to make it to your personal computer...

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